Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tips For Safe Online Shopping

  • Avoid public places and networks.Don’t do online transactions when you’re using public wireless networks. It's safer to buy online at home. When you conduct business in public places using wireless connections such as motels, airports, coffee shops, and bookstores, you take a chance of someone seeing your laptop screen, stealing personal information. What’s more, an intruder could grab the sensitive information you send over the wireless network.

  • Don’t use public computers.Because public computers may have programs that log keystrokes (keyloggers), as well as other spywares that snatch sensitive information, wait to make your Internet transactions until you get home.

  • Use credit cards instead of debit.Debit transactions are riskier than credit transactions because a criminal can immediately drain your bank account. The money is spent quickly, so the theft is harder to fight. On the other hand, a credit card theft is not as disastrous, as your credit card company can help you resolve the matter. Use the same credit card if you have more than one. If you still have reservations about giving out your credit card number online, then use third-party escrow services such as PayPal.

  • Don’t share SSN and/or birth date information.Usually legitimate Web sites won’t ask you to give out personal information such as your Social Security number (SSN) and/or birth date. By giving out both your birth date and SSN, criminals have enough data to apply for new credit cards in your name.

  • Keep accurate records.Always keep accurate, detailed records of any online transactions. This way you’ll have evidence of your purchase if problems occur.

  • Use updated anti-virus programs.Be sure your computer is secured with updated anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall software.

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