Saturday, October 17, 2015

AMA-Do Negative Items Fall Off My Credit Report?

Do Negative Items Automatically Fall of My Credit Report?

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Ask Me Anything on Credit Management

Today's question was submitted by Noah from California and he asks:
  • Do negative items automatically fall off my credit report?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO, negative items do not automatically fall off your credit file. The credit reporting agencies are only responsible for recording the information and it is the responsibility of the consumer to make sure that all information contained in your consumer file is accurate and verifiable.

How long to the negative items remain on my credit file?

Depending on the type of derogatory item it is, the statutory times or either 7 or 10 years.
  • Seven year items include: slow pays, late pays, no pays, collection items.
  • Ten year items include: bankruptcies, liens and/or judgements.

How do I get these negative items off my credit file?

If the statutory time has passed, as a consumer you can write to the credit reporting agencies to request the item to be removed. Or if you need to restore your credit; then you have the option of hiring a professional service to help you remove negative items from your credit report.

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